Ghawken / HomeKitLink-Siri

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Installing plugin in Indigo 2023.1.1 #33

Open elf55 opened 6 months ago

elf55 commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug Plugin executed but not installed

To Reproduce Download ver 0.6.29, ensure Python 3 and Cryptography package installed. Double click on plugin

Expected behavior Plugin installed and visible in Indigo

Observed behavior Error printed in log: Installing and enabling plugin HomeKitLink Siri v0.6.29 Error ReloadPlugin() caught exception: FileIOError -- rename/move of file or folder failed -- check file/folder permissions

No plugin installed

Ghawken commented 6 months ago

Something has gone wrong at the Indigo level, or your file permissions have become corrupted for the Indigo folders.

It’s not plugin specific - rather Indigo related. Could post in forum. I have seen it myself once and couldnt track down the cause. Because the plugin includes 2 ffmpeg binaries (one for x86. and one for arm) it ends up being a big file (140mb) - seems to be something happens during the move to bin and reinstall with Indigo. But as said couldnt track down why.

There is a potential update all going to plan that will move ffmpeg to pypi/pip installs that should happen automatically this will drop size of pluginBundle considerably. Hopefully by 2023.2.1 release.

Meanwhile: Need to manually delete the plugin bundle from Indigo folders before reinstalling But would suggest need to shut down Indigo server Check Plugin folders (both Disabled one and active one) Delete the .indigoplugin bundle for HomekitlinkSiri

Then restart and double click again. If still same message.

Re-run indigo installer which should fix the folder permissions.

durosity commented 6 months ago

@elf55 by any chance has it been downloaded into the iCloud Drive downloads folder? If so try moving it to your home folder then try it from there.

elf55 commented 5 months ago

Wow! You are good. I did have it on iCloud drive and moving it to a local drive fixed the problem. I never would have tried that. Never had the problem before. Thanks.