Multi-Scale Geometric Consistency Guided and Planar Prior Assisted Multi-View Stereo (TPAMI 2022)
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Bug fix suggestion #3

Open morsingher opened 3 years ago

morsingher commented 3 years ago

Hi, I think I found a pretty severe bug in both ACMM and ACMMP. The problem is the following line:

When the if statement is not satisfied, that variable remains uninitialized and it is both refined with PlaneHypothesisRefinement() and assigned to plane_hypotheses[center]. This produces random values which then propagates throughout the execution. You can verify it yourself if you just print the number of depth values smaller than 0 and bigger than any reasonable threshold. I would suggest to simply initialize it with the current value:

float4 plane_hypotheses_now = plane_hypotheses[center]

The issue doesn't exist in ACMP, where this line is not executed and plane_hypotheses[center] is directly manipulated.

Now, the problem is that with this fix the 3D output has slightly less points (around 8-9% less), which is weird. Can you look a bit into this issue and clarify what happens? Maybe I'm missing something. Thank you in advance!

yushengJ commented 3 years ago

作者你好,我在VS2017中运行程序的时候,ACMM和ACMMP都在geometric consistency这部分函数中出现一个Bug,程序直接跳出。并且是在对部分图像完成了Geometric consistancy操作,该Bug尚未找出来

Wangyouai commented 3 years ago

作者你好,我在VS2017中运行程序的时候,ACMM和ACMMP都在geometric consistency这部分函数中出现一个Bug,程序直接跳出。并且是在对部分图像完成了Geometric consistancy操作,该Bug尚未找出来 您好,请问您解决该问题了么

yushengJ commented 3 years ago

作者你好,我在VS2017中运行程序的时候,ACMM和ACMMP都在geometric consistency这部分函数中出现一个Bug,程序直接跳出。并且是在对部分图像完成了Geometric consistancy操作,该Bug尚未找出来 您好,请问您解决该问题了么

您好!我发现是cuda程序在cuda开辟内存以及指向地址的时候出现---无法读取内存 从而造成程序不进入cuda实现的函数,但还没有找到解决的方法。您知道怎么解决吗?能加我的联系方式吗 QQ 1837379929

CanCanZeng commented 2 years ago

Hi @yushengJ , I meet the same issue. It seems that the problem occured in RandomInitialization.

Run Planar Prior Assisted PatchMatch MVS ...
an illegal memory access was encountered in ~/ACMMP/ at line 1334

Have you solved this problem? (I searched on QQ but did not find 1837379929, is this number right? @yushengJ )

rongirl commented 4 months ago

Hi @yushengJ , I meet the same issue. It seems that the problem occured in RandomInitialization.

Run Planar Prior Assisted PatchMatch MVS ...
an illegal memory access was encountered in ~/ACMMP/ at line 1334

Have you solved this problem? (I searched on QQ but did not find 1837379929, is this number right? @yushengJ )

Hi, @CanCanZeng! I faced the same issue. Have you solved this problem?