GhostInCell / LoE-Ghost.Server

Private server for Legends of Equestria game
MIT License
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New core? #20

Open Schala opened 6 years ago

Schala commented 6 years ago

I'd like to ask what's different and what plans are for this new server core in one of the branches. I've play tested the May 14th server code and other than the lack of anything whatsoever in the world, it works fine.

I'm trying to rewrite the current one in C++ for performance increases and moreso out of a personal challenge. I'm trying to go lightweight on dependencies and so far just used zlib, Boost, and OpenSSL whereas the others use Qt which is a massive framework. The networking components are in progress, but the terrain primitives, base64/bit serialization and protobuf/deflate serialization successfully works. I'm just trying to see what this new core rewrite is about before I port too much of the current one.

GhostInCell commented 6 years ago

Short term goals of new_core are switching to new network part implementation and use ORM for db entities, a long term plans are new flexible spell system and navigation system using Recast/Detour port.

Schala commented 6 years ago

I see. I've been trying to mimic PNet's serialization with Boost.Asio. As for ORM I'll have to research that