GhostWording / gw-config-apis

this repo contains static json that can live through apis with github management only
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issue with removing and updating fragments by tags #50

Open BillyWaveM opened 5 years ago

BillyWaveM commented 5 years ago

I created a fragment "billytesttag3firstfrag", which contained the tag "billytesttag3" and was able to call it using the fragmentsbytag action.

I then removed this tag from that fragment, waited some time, and updated the fragments file. I also changed the content of the fragment slightly to "this fragment no longer contains billytesttag3"

The change was recorded by the server, as when I ran a search for the fragment by its ID, I found it with the changes updated (the new text, and no tag) { "BotName":"billy2019test", "DeviceId": "edcdsc", "FacebookId":"def", "FragmentId": "billytesttag3firstfrag" }

But when I call for the tag billytesttag3, I still receive this fragment, even though it no longer contains that tag. Additionally, the text content change was not recorded when calling the fragment by this method. { "BotName":"billy2019test", "DeviceId": "edcdscg", "FacebookId":"defg", "Tags": ["billytesttag3"] }

rhwy commented 5 years ago

this is by design: when you load sequences you create the combinations (sequence, tag) in a table and keep it but we have no cleaning process -> I need to discuss with @OlivierBourdin what we want to do with this