Ghoulboy78 / Scarpet-edit

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Non-region specific languages #88

Open altrisi opened 3 years ago

altrisi commented 3 years ago

I'm suggesting for languages to not be region specific, so instead of en_us it would be just en, etc.


Because most people can perfectly understand the variant of their language from most regions, and it simplifies the code for both having the language files (less almost duplicates) and allows an automatic language selector (see #87) to have more options, since it's quite likely the player will understand the variant from other regions as well, and else they may not get a translation just because they selected a different region.


Firigion commented 3 years ago

How about we only add region specifiers when options are available? Is that compatible with what you have in mind? This means, that it_it would become it, but say someone adds es_me, then we have two es_* files. Does that work?

altrisi commented 3 years ago

Would be possible, but would complicate the code.

To handle that case you'd need to, after getting the list of available language files, check whether two or more have the same prefix, then keep those with the suffix but strip it from the other ones. Then when automatically setting languages you have a problem, since you may have to choose which region to give to the player, and while that's simple if one matches exactly, if their language only shares the prefix, you'd need a way to determine which region to choose.

Plus I'd assume many of the language files with the same prefix would be almost identical, varying at most in a pair or three entries, that can possibly be made neutral instead.

Firigion commented 3 years ago

I agree, we can remove them and, if anyone ands up doing regional variation translations, we can worry about them later.

Ghoulboy78 commented 3 years ago

Well idk about that complexity. As altrisi said, you are likely to understand another variant of the same language, but IMO we should keep names just as they are. But the way we do it is this: First we check that we have that language, and then we look to see if we have the variant, and if not we just choose the first in the list. Seen as though we will typically only rly have a handful of variants, that bit shouldn't matter much. The code isn't too hard either I think, just a bit of regex.

altrisi commented 3 years ago

It's not only about code complexity. Having region specific languages also causes:

TL;DR I just don't think it's worth. Not specifying a region allows anyone to update the language for every region, and people are less likely to complain/be upset about not having the proper region. At least right now at least, given we don't have many.

(also because I think somewhere I have a branch started with that in mind, though that should be easy to change anyway)

Ghoulboy78 commented 3 years ago

Well I kind of disagree:

Ghoulboy78 commented 3 years ago

@gnembon , @Firigion , @replaceitem , @BisUmTo @altrisi , please vote here below, if you prefer having regional languages as per my solution to the problem, or not, as per altrisi's (also feel free to propose any alternative solutions)

BisUmTo commented 3 years ago

Honestly I think that some languages are a lot different...

If in the future carpet allows to get client Minecraft language, It would be interesting to be able to select automatically the language based on the selected one.

altrisi commented 3 years ago

(it already allows Scarpet to get user's language, I have a branch on it and a few things more for SE that I'm just lazy to finish, also partially blocked by this)

BisUmTo commented 3 years ago

it already allows Scarpet to get user's language

I've just discovered player ~ 'language' 😂😂