Ghustwb / MobileNet-SSD-TensorRT

Accelerate mobileNet-ssd with tensorRT
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Using our own caffe model #37

Open varadsrivastava opened 5 years ago

varadsrivastava commented 5 years ago

I am trying to use my own trained SSD model with two classes (including background). I have made changes to PluginImplement.h ,Pluginimplement.cpp and prototxt files as given here. ( I deleted the cache file as it was showing engine not compatible error on Jetson Nano.

While running, I get the error :

Weights for conv0 doesn't exist CaffeParser : ERROR : Attempting to access NULL weights Parameter check failed at: ../builder/Network.cpp::addConvolution::66, condition : kernelWeights.values !=nullptr error parsing layer type Convolution index 0