Ghyron / Starting

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Ordenar les propostes segons preferència. #1

Open Ghyron opened 12 years ago

Ghyron commented 12 years ago

Simplement feu un comentari amb els projectes (e-mail) ordenats per preferència, començo jo i així es mes il·lustratiu.

Dual Camera APP Despertador musica + luz Really Important Call NFC Loyalty card "Stone Paper Scissors Spock or Lizard" game Learning aid application based on the idea of word-cards Activity recommendations based not only in user's preferences but also in device's location

Ghyron commented 12 years ago

1 - Despertador musica + luz (+radio?) 2 - Really Important Call 3 - Dual Camera APP 4 - "Stone Paper Scissors Spock or Lizard" game (multiplayer? amb Wiffi Direct?) 5 - Learning aid application based on the idea of word-cards 6 - Activity recommendations based not only in user's 7 - NFC Loyalty card

genosisus commented 12 years ago

1 - Despertador musica + luz (+radio?) 2 - Dual Camera APP 3 - Really Important Call 4 - NFC Loyalty card 5 - Activity recommendations based not only in user's 6 - "Stone Paper Scissors Spock or Lizard" game (multiplayer? amb Wiffi Direct?) 7 - Learning aid application based on the idea of word-cards