npm test test/openapi-syntax.test.js
> risis-rcf-risor@0.1.0 test /home/joenio/src/lisis/risis-rcf-risor
> jest "test/openapi-syntax.test.js"
FAIL test/openapi-syntax.test.js
OpenAPI document
✕ openapi.yaml file is valid (129 ms)
● OpenAPI document › openapi.yaml file is valid
One or more errors exist in the OpenApi definition
at: security > 0 > OpenID > OpenID
Security requirement for openIdConnect value must be an empty array
But OpenAPI specs says that OpenID must not be empty array, it must be filled by the scopes in a array format.
But OpenAPI specs says that
must not be empty array, it must be filled by the scopes in a array format.