GiDeCarlo / XGDAG

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[BUG Report]: Probable memory leak issue #2

Open anubane opened 2 months ago

anubane commented 2 months ago

While executing the ranking logic with GNNExplainer, it seems that the function predict_candidate_genes_gnn_explainer_only in file has a memory leak issue!

When the candidates population logic is being run, the memory consumed keeps growing.

I think that this is caused by run-away creation of numerous small tensor objects in the candidates dictionary.

anubane commented 2 months ago

It would seem that the same issue may exist with the other ranker functions as well!

AndMastro commented 2 months ago

Thank you for reaching out. We will check the problem and, in case, provide a fix with the next code update. Stay tuned 🧑‍💻