Giallustio / HeartsAndMinds
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Several issues #109

Open WastedMike opened 7 years ago

WastedMike commented 7 years ago

Here is the mission that I am running

Vdauphin commented 7 years ago

Hello, Wrong repo:

Before report error please take a look in the RTP Client and Server to find obvious error: also add -showScriptErrors when you launch the game. You will see a dirty black box if error occur. This two parts are a requirement when you change any mission file to find error you or the mission maker do (human does errors ...). You will see how helpfull it is ! Also only report error occuring for unchanged .pbo because even small changes can broke everything!

I launched your mission. Nice base! ;) BUT Check the RTP of your game :

23:39:35 Error in expression <go_y = _rel_pos select 1; +_cargo_z = ((getPosATL _chopper) select 2) - (_ca> 23:39:35 Error position: <= ((getPosATL _chopper) select 2) - (_ca> 23:39:35 Error ; manquant 23:39:35 Error in expression <go_y = _rel_pos select 1; +_cargo_z = ((getPosATL _chopper) select 2) - (_ca> 23:39:35 Error position: <= ((getPosATL _chopper) select 2) - (_ca> 23:39:35 Error ; manquant 23:39:37 "=BTC= HEARTS AND MINDS VERSION 1.16.1"

You did an error : in file \core\fnc\log\lift_check.sqf Line 25: You wrote +_cargo_z = ((getPosATL _chopper) select 2) - (_cargo_pos select 2);//hintSilent format ["%1 - %2 - %3",_cargo_x,_cargo_y,_cargo_z]; You need to write _cargo_z = ((getPosATL _chopper) select 2) - (_cargo_pos select 2);//hintSilent format ["%1 - %2 - %3",_cargo_x,_cargo_y,_cargo_z]; (remove the +)

Other issues never appear on my server. If you have any FIX you are welcome ! Have fun bro!!!