GiampaoloGabba / Xamarin.Plugin.SharedTransitions

Shared Element Transitions between pages in Xamarin.Forms (IOS/Android)
MIT License
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problem in not mvvm project #29

Closed maiconalvesdev closed 4 years ago

maiconalvesdev commented 4 years ago

I have a normal project that is not using mvvm, only model view, when entering the screen I get the error below, I'm using version 2.10 and xamarin.forms the link to the page code is below, I'm using with listview. error shared transitions effect can be attached only to element in a ISharedTransitionContainer page code

maiconalvesdev commented 4 years ago

i found the problem, i using master page with detail, @GiampaoloGabba you can help me?

GiampaoloGabba commented 4 years ago

Shared Transitions can only works on pages that are inside a SharedTransitionShell or SharedTransitionNavigationPage

If you are using shell, you have to replace it with a SharedTransitionShell like this example

If you are not using shell, make sure that your ContentPage is opened inside a SharedTransitionNavigationPage, for example doing something like this in your App.xaml.cs

MainPage = new SharedTransitionNavigationPage(new ListagemMedicos());

GiampaoloGabba commented 4 years ago

I have done a lot of fixes for MasterDetailPage and i'm going to pubblish a new release. Closing this cause i havent received any feedback