GiampaoloGabba / Xamarin.Plugin.SharedTransitions

Shared Element Transitions between pages in Xamarin.Forms (IOS/Android)
MIT License
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Trying to attach a TransitionEffect without name or group specified #32

Closed toverux closed 4 years ago

toverux commented 4 years ago

Bug Information

Version Number of Plugin: 2.1.0 Device Tested On: Android Version of Xamarin:

Steps to reproduce the Behavior

I attached the effect through Transition.Name on an element:

<views:CoverHeader sharedTransitions:Transition.Name="RoomPicture" />

In the second page, the exact same thing.

Pages are pushed onto a navigation page that derives from SharedTransitionNavigationPage.

Expected Behavior

Makes the transition.

Actual Behavior

No transition is made and there's this in the logs:

===== SAHARED: update property for Aterno.Views.CoverHeader:  - RoomPicture
... a bit later ...
Trying to attach a TransitionEffect without name or group specified. Nothing done
GiampaoloGabba commented 4 years ago

sorry for the delay :) This debug information was not in the right place and was behing executed everytime: Trying to attach a TransitionEffect without name or group specified. Nothing done

So ignore it (this is gone in the next release) :)

Is your element inside a Collection of items? What's inside the coverheader? It should work, maybe try to apply the effect in a base element (not a custom view) and see what happens.

toverux commented 4 years ago

Hi @GiampaoloGabba, no probem, thanks. I tried again and this time, found the obvious mistake I made the last time.

Like I said, I inherited SharedTransitionNavigationPage, I did not use it directly. Obviously, I had a custom renderer attached to my own custom navigation page, and that one was still inheriting from NavigationPageRenderer ; the only thing I missed the last time was replacing this renderer with SharedTransitionNavigationPageRenderer.

Very sorry to have bothered you with that!