GiampaoloGabba / Xamarin.Plugin.SharedTransitions

Shared Element Transitions between pages in Xamarin.Forms (IOS/Android)
MIT License
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Basic transition + Transitions from collections failed #68

Open azapatac opened 2 years ago

azapatac commented 2 years ago

I have a ContentPage with a TabView from Xamarin Community Toolkit

In one TabViewItem, I have a CollectionView with transitions, working OK

My ContentPage:

<ContentPage ... xmlns:sharedTransitions="clr-namespace:Plugin.SharedTransitions;assembly=Plugin.SharedTransitions" sharedTransitions:SharedTransitionNavigationPage.TransitionSelectedGroup="{Binding DiscountId}>

In the TabViewItem, inside the Template:

<ImageLoading:CachedImage sharedTransitions:Transition.Name="DiscountImage" sharedTransitions:Transition.Group="{Binding Id}">

Is working OK

But I have in another TabViewItem with a simple Image

<Image sharedTransitions:Transition.Name="FrancoImage" HeightRequest="150" Source="franco3.png"/>

<ImageLoading:CachedImage Aspect="Fill" DownsampleToViewSize="true" ErrorPlaceholder="notfound" HeightRequest="300" LoadingPlaceholder="loading" sharedTransitions:Transition.Name="DiscountImage" Source="{Binding ImageUrl}" />

Transitions FAILED

If I remove "sharedTransitions:SharedTransitionNavigationPage.TransitionSelectedGroup="{Binding DiscountId}" in my ContentPage

The first one is OK and the second is FAILED

Bug Information

Version Number of Plugin: 2.0.4 Version of VS: Version of Xamarin: Versions of other things you are using:

Steps to reproduce the Behavior

  1. Create a Xamarin.forms project
  2. Install Xamarin Community Toolkit last version
  3. On the main page, add TabView with 2 TabViewItem and set up the page to use collectioview
  4. In the first TabViewItem add collection view transition and the second TabViewItem add one image with transition

Expected Behavior

Transitions from collection view item OK Transitions from image OK

Actual Behavior

Transitions from collection view item OK Transitions from image FAILED

If we remove "sharedTransitions:SharedTransitionNavigationPage.TransitionSelectedGroup="{Binding DiscountId}" in my ContentPage

Transitions from collection view item FAILED Transitions from image OK