Gianfrancoalongi / APLUnit

APLUnit - a library to facilitate Unit Testing and Test Driven Development of code written in Dyalog APL, developed together with Morten Kromberg (CTO Dyalog Ltd)
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Test Ordering Options #21

Open arcfide opened 10 years ago

arcfide commented 10 years ago

Current tests appear to run in a roughly alphabetical order. It would be good if a choice could be made to allow lexicographical ordering that preserves numbers in the names, as well as an in place ordering option which runs them in the order in which they appear in the file where they are defined.

Gianfrancoalongi commented 9 years ago

This is an excellent option!

arcfide commented 9 years ago

Just as a note, since I'm working pretty heavily with APLUnit these days, if you don't get to this in some reasonable time frame, then I'll probably start working on this later this year.