GianlucaGuarini / jQuery.BlackAndWhite

Clientside grayscale images on any browser
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TypeError: $.browser is undefined #66

Closed SebastienGicquel closed 8 years ago

SebastienGicquel commented 8 years ago


I use your plugin on a website I’ve made this is several years. It works very well. Thanks !

I’m working on this website to update the template and i see that your plugin is no more compatible with jquery 1.11.3

On your demo, you use jQuery 1.8.1

If i use jquery 1.11, i have this error in console :

TypeError: $.browser is undefined

I think the .browser call has been removed in jquery 1.9

Could you update the plugin ?

Thank you.

GianlucaGuarini commented 8 years ago

$.browser is nowhere in my code

SebastienGicquel commented 8 years ago

Ok, but if if i load jQuery 1.11, i have this error in console :

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '$.browser.msie')
(fonction anonyme)zzz-test-bw.html:14

I've tested it on a simple html page without any script except jQuery and jQuery.BlackAndWhite

If i load :

<script src=""></script>

It works very well.

GianlucaGuarini commented 8 years ago

can you make a jsfiddle please?

SebastienGicquel commented 8 years ago

yep, give me 5 minutes ;-)

SebastienGicquel commented 8 years ago

Here is a fiddle with jQuery 1.11 :

Here is a fiddle with jQuery 1.8.1 :

SebastienGicquel commented 8 years ago

I don't know why but it doesn't work also on jsfiddle with jQuery 1.8 :

But it works on my demo page. I'll share a link.

SebastienGicquel commented 8 years ago

Here is a demo with jQuery 1.8 :

jQuery 1.11 :

I think it is not working on jsfiddle because i'm loading the image from an external source, not sure about this.

SebastienGicquel commented 8 years ago

I've updated the 2 demo pages. It was messed up because css was not loaded. Now it's ok. You can see the issue ?

GianlucaGuarini commented 8 years ago

well you are using the 0.2.3 to fix the issue you can start by using the latest 0.3.7

SebastienGicquel commented 8 years ago

yes, i've done that before and sorry for the wrong version. I update my demo page now.

SebastienGicquel commented 8 years ago

It's now updated to 0.3.6

GianlucaGuarini commented 8 years ago

and it's working..

SebastienGicquel commented 8 years ago

Ho, i'm really sorry to have disturb you. I see that i may have messed up in my code. I was loading the last version but i was also loading the wrong version. I feel awkward...

GianlucaGuarini commented 8 years ago

no prob