The BG1 NPC Project adds a great deal of content by expanding the depth of character and levels of interaction with the NPCs from the Baldur's Gate game. Requires Tutu, BGT, or BGEE.
updated bg1npc_tmp and bgee_itemdesc files (formatted items to EE and classic descriptions, added weight and enhancement, dubbing related proofreading)
removed double spaces
changed - to ... when someone unexpectedly finishes sentence
changed (squeak) to (Boo squeaked), as Boo is not an actor in a conversation
changed wow to other alternatives as it is not Polish word
lowering case of words like: sir, mr., ms., you, yours...
fixed Cattie-Brie → Catti-Brie
fixed some typos from my previous gameplay
changed journal entries to plural
Approved by morgan and Namarcha from Children of Bhaal forum community.
when someone unexpectedly finishes sentence(squeak)
to(Boo squeaked)
, as Boo is not an actor in a conversationwow
to other alternatives as it is not Polish wordCattie-Brie
Approved by morgan and Namarcha from Children of Bhaal forum community.