GibbsConsulting / django-plotly-dash

Expose plotly dash apps as django tags
MIT License
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Support for Django 5.0 #488

Open vhidrogo opened 4 months ago

vhidrogo commented 4 months ago

Are there any plans for supporting django 5.0?

GibbsConsulting commented 4 months ago

Progressing supported Django, Dash and other versions is important. At the moment we have Django>=3.2,<5.0.0 and dash>=2.0,<2.10 constraints in the setup file, amongst others.

@vhidrogo are there particular features that you want from newer versions or is this just a desire to use newer (and possibly better supported) versions of these packages?

vhidrogo commented 4 months ago

Progressing supported Django, Dash and other versions is important. At the moment we have Django>=3.2,<5.0.0 and dash>=2.0,<2.10 constraints in the setup file, amongst others.

@vhidrogo are there particular features that you want from newer versions or is this just a desire to use newer (and possibly better supported) versions of these packages?

@GibbsConsulting we'd like to use django 5.0 features in other parts of our project, but are currently unable to upgrade due to this constriant.

GibbsConsulting commented 4 months ago

Added #490 for this work

delsim commented 4 months ago

version 2.3.0 is now on PyPi and should permit use of Django 4.0 and higher - @vhidrogo if you can try this and report any issues that would be most helpful

vhidrogo commented 4 months ago

version 2.3.0 is now on PyPi and should permit use of Django 4.0 and higher - @vhidrogo if you can try this and report any issues that would be most helpful

thanks for the quick turn around! worked with no issues