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[Performance]: Bundle Analysis #450

Open jamessspanggg opened 3 years ago

jamessspanggg commented 3 years ago

Created a bundle analysis that you can view it here:

Can also check in PageSpeed to see our performance with reference to google's benchmarks:

From the bench mark, we need to:

Potential optimizations (the ones i can think of now):

resize/optimise images before serving as~100kb image is quite big, can consider Screen Shot 2021-06-12 at 10 59 01 PM
disable react dev tools in production: Screen Shot 2021-06-12 at 11 02 03 PM
In some packages, tree shaking is not working as intended even though they are in esm format We need to change the way we import certain packages, i.e. `@kiwicom` Instead of: Screen Shot 2021-06-12 at 11 11 56 PM Do: Screen Shot 2021-06-12 at 11 12 38 PM
Remove or move certain packages from dependencies -> devdependencies
  • next-images
  • @testing-library (technically can remove since we have no tests