Giftie / script.cinema.experience

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Home Automation: triggers not accurate #10

Closed tiesjan closed 10 years ago

tiesjan commented 10 years ago

I originally posted this issue here: Don't know why, must've been a bit sleepy... :)

For some reason the triggers of the home automation script seem to be inaccurate when running on my Home Theater. For example, when the trailers end, nothing should be triggered, according to my settings. However, even before the audio logo movie and the countdown movie are played, the trigger 'Movie' is already triggered. As you can see, it is triggered too early. I found something in my log file that may be useful.


22:40:35 T:140057574881024  NOTICE: [ script.cinema.experience ] - Problem With Trigger List
22:40:35 T:140057574881024  NOTICE: [ script.cinema.experience ] - Playlist Position: 9  Playlist Size: 10
22:40:35 T:140057574881024   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
22:40:35 T:140057574881024   ERROR:   File "/storage/.xbmc/addons/script.cinema.experience/", line 325, in <module>
22:40:35 T:140057574881024   ERROR:     exit = Script().start_script( "oldway" )
22:40:35 T:140057574881024   ERROR:   File "/storage/.xbmc/addons/script.cinema.experience/resources/lib/", line 113, in start_script
22:40:35 T:140057574881024   ERROR:     prev_trigger = Launch_automation().launch_automation( trigger_list[ playlist.getposition() ], prev_trigger )
22:40:35 T:140057574881024   ERROR: IndexError: list index out of range
22:40:35 T:140057574881024  NOTICE: [ script.cinema.experience ] - messy_exit: Use exit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit

Since it seems to stop with 'messy_exit', I think the 'Script End' trigger never gets triggered, because it cannot be found anywhere in my log file. But of course you're the experts here, so I am not sure...

I'm using XBMC 12.2 Frodo, running on OpenELEC 3.2.2. The addon version is 3.0.6. I also tried a rollback to 3.0.4, with the same result.

Summary of my experiences:

I hope I'm not wasting your time and this will help you out solving the bug, if it is indeed one. Good luck to all of you, your work is much appreciated! :)

tiesjan commented 10 years ago

Hello developers,

I did some research about the problem. In the cinema experience script I added a few rows of code to log every item in the playlist when the playlist is loaded and played. This is the result:


13:38:26 T:140512271005440  NOTICE: @@@ XBMC Playlist Item: 0 - nfs:// Theatre Intro/hd_other_imax_intro.avi
13:38:26 T:140512271005440  NOTICE: @@@ XBMC Playlist Item: 1 - nfs://
13:38:26 T:140512271005440  NOTICE: @@@ XBMC Playlist Item: 2 - nfs:// Theatre Intro/hd_other_technicolor.avi
13:38:26 T:140512271005440  NOTICE: @@@ XBMC Playlist Item: 3 - nfs:// Attractions Intro/playlist.pls
13:38:26 T:140512271005440  NOTICE: @@@ XBMC Playlist Item: 4 -|User-Agent=QuickTime%2F7.6.5+%28qtver%3D7.6.5%3Bos%3DWindows+NT+5.1Service+Pack+3%29
13:38:26 T:140512271005440  NOTICE: @@@ XBMC Playlist Item: 5 -|User-Agent=QuickTime%2F7.6.5+%28qtver%3D7.6.5%3Bos%3DWindows+NT+5.1Service+Pack+3%29
13:38:26 T:140512271005440  NOTICE: @@@ XBMC Playlist Item: 6 -|User-Agent=QuickTime%2F7.6.5+%28qtver%3D7.6.5%3Bos%3DWindows+NT+5.1Service+Pack+3%29
13:38:26 T:140512271005440  NOTICE: @@@ XBMC Playlist Item: 7 - nfs:// Attractions Outro/playlist.pls
13:38:26 T:140512271005440  NOTICE: @@@ XBMC Playlist Item: 8 - nfs://
13:38:26 T:140512271005440  NOTICE: @@@ XBMC Playlist Item: 9 - nfs://

Here are the contents of the automatic generated triggers_list.txt:

['Movie Theater Intro', 'Coming Attractions Intro', 'Movie Trailer', 'Movie Trailer', 'Movie Trailer', 'Coming Attractions Outro', 'Countdown', 'Movie']

Actually, the trigger list is right, because there are only 8 items. However, the first item is a .pls-playlist with three items for the Movie Theater Intro part, which gets 'extracted' and replaces the first item, resulting in 2 more items in the playlist (index 1 and 2). At the end it tries to retrieve index 8 and 9 in trigger_list.txt, but results in an 'list index out of range' error, because they simply don't exist. I personally think that this is the problem of the missing triggers part.

When it reaches the Coming Attractions Outro (right before my Countdown video: the THX logo, with playlist index 9), both the playlist and the trigger list reach index 7. Again, I personally think that is why my triggers are inaccurate: the trigger list is always 2 triggers (in my case) ahead of my playlist.

So, back to the actual problem... It seems that either the Movie Theater Intro playlist specific or a multiple item playlist in general gets 'extracted' into seperated movie files and the trigger list does not anticipate on this behavior.

Just some thoughts, I hope it will help a bit more to get to the problem. :)

Giftie commented 10 years ago

For starters I need a complete debug log posted to a hosting website(pastebin, xbmclogs, etc) then the link to that log posted. With out a complete log, things are gonna be guesses with out any possible fixes)

tiesjan commented 10 years ago

Sure, no problem. Here it is: Good luck!

Giftie commented 10 years ago

that is just a log file, not a debug log.. You need to have debugging enabled in XBMC's settings

tiesjan commented 10 years ago

I'm sorry, didn't know there was such a thing! As requested:

Giftie commented 10 years ago

I do think it is a playlist issue, I'm not 100% familiar with the .pls format, but it looks like XBMC processes the playlist at the time of playing, causing the issue..

Could you post one of you .PLS files as well so I can understand the format a bit better and see what I need to do.. I'll probably need to take the value from NumberOfEntries= in the .PLS file then have the script add the extra triggers to the trigger list.

tiesjan commented 10 years ago

Hmm... Sounds all quite logic to me, for as far as I know the contents of your script of course. :)

Here are the contents of the Movie Theater Intro pls-file:


File1=nfs:// Theatre Intro/hd_other_imax_intro.avi


File3=nfs:// Theatre Intro/hd_other_technicolor.avi

Note: the second title may seem empty, but actually contains a single space character. This is so it will seem like there is a three second 'pause' between the two intro movies in XBMC.

Please let me know if you need some additional info!

Giftie commented 10 years ago

I'm adding a .pls file parser to simplify the integration. Also it allows me to add .pls playlists for Music.

tiesjan commented 10 years ago

Cool, thanks! I assume you already did the parsing of other playlist types?

Giftie commented 10 years ago

Right now only .m3u and .pls playlists are handled.. I'll be looking into parsing the other common playlist formats

tiesjan commented 10 years ago

Alright, thanks for everything! :)

Giftie commented 10 years ago

Closing this, thanks for bringing this to my attention.