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Schedule page doesn't show gigs, just spinners #482

Open aaronoppenheimer opened 5 months ago

aaronoppenheimer commented 5 months ago

We have had two users complain that their "schedule" pages - the default agenda page - did not show gigs but instead just spinning wheels. Both times Safari though once on computer and once on iphone. Other browsers all worked for these users. In the former case, clearing the cache did not fix the problem but in the latter case (on the phone), it did solve the problem.

I had the second user access this url: - this is the "internal" page accessed by htmx in order to insert the gigs with plans and the gigs without plans into the agenda page. When she did this, she got a screen that said "no gigs" which is the expected behavior if there are no "no plans" gigs. This suggests htmx isn't working correctly - it received the content but didn't display it. I don't think htmx needs a full page - it's just swapping content into the DOM.

The fact that clearing the cache worked suggests that maybe there's some older version of htmx that has problems on safari? It's weird that it'd happen once on a computer and once on a phone, but clearing the cache only fixed it in one of those places. (Though maybe the cache wasn't cleared properly on the computer?)