Closed Bton123 closed 2 weeks ago
I've tried to install it on my Windows 10 machine with Python 3.12
, pip
version 24.2
, with the command:
pip install vinted_scraper
I didn't receive any error. Can you attach the full stack trace of the error? Have you tried to update pip to the latest version?
yeah, its probably something bugged up with my path
PS C:\Users\messi\Documents\vinted_scrap> pip install vinted_scraper Requirement already satisfied: vinted_scraper in c:\users\messi\documents\vinted_scrap\venv\lib\site-packages (2.3.0) Requirement already satisfied: deprecated in c:\users\messi\documents\vinted_scrap\venv\lib\site-packages (from vinted_scraper) (1.2.14) Requirement already satisfied: requests in c:\users\messi\documents\vinted_scrap\venv\lib\site-packages (from vinted_scraper) (2.32.3) Requirement already satisfied: wrapt<2,>=1.10 in c:\users\messi\documents\vinted_scrap\venv\lib\site-packages (from deprecated->vinted_scraper) (1.16.0) Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in c:\users\messi\documents\vinted_scrap\venv\lib\site-packages (from requests->vinted_scraper) (3.3.2) Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in c:\users\messi\documents\vinted_scrap\venv\lib\site-packages (from requests->vinted_scraper) (3.10) Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<3,>=1.21.1 in c:\users\messi\documents\vinted_scrap\venv\lib\site-packages (from requests->vinted_scraper) (2.2.3) Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in c:\users\messi\documents\vinted_scrap\venv\lib\site-packages (from requests->vinted_scraper) (2024.8.30)
[notice] A new release of pip is available: 24.0 -> 24.2
[notice] To update, run: python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
PS C:\Users\messi\Documents\vinted_scrap> & c:/Users/messi/Documents/vinted_scrap/venv/Scripts/python.exe c:/Users/messi/Documents/vinted_scrap/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\Users\messi\Documents\vinted_scrap\", line 1, in
From your command I notice that you are executing pip
from the command line, on the other hand, you are executing the python.exe
from a virtual env. Have you activated it first?
You can try to run:
c:/Users/messi/Documents/vinted_scrap/venv/Scripts/python.exe -m pip install vinted_scraper
This will invoke the pip instance from the venv
, not the global one and install the module on your venv
doing the normal pip install ik im probably stupid and missing something but i tried normal pip install and also git cloning with both 3.12 and 3.8.