Gigoteur / UnicornConsole

Unicorn Console: create quick fantasy game in Rust/Python/Lua/Rhai/Wasm !
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There are some build errors in Win 10? #59

Closed timloo0710 closed 6 years ago

timloo0710 commented 6 years ago

Dear all:

After I install MS BUILD TOOLS 2015, I ran "cargo build --features="cpython px8_plugin_lua" --release "

It shows message as follows: Compiling px8_plugin_lua v0.0.11 (file:///C:/Users/synct/git/PX8/src/plugins/lua) error: failed to run custom build command for px8_plugin_lua v0.0.11 (file:///C:/Users/synct/git/PX8/src/plugins/lua) process didn't exit successfully: C:\Users\synct\git\PX8\target\release\build\px8_plugin_lua-d758b5acbc73c5ad\build-script-build (exit code: 101) --- stdout cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=lua

--- stderr thread 'main' panicked at 'cl.exe and lib.exe must be on your %PATH% to compile Lua for MSVC. Please install this crate through the Visual Studio Native Tools Command Line.', src\plugins\lua\ note: Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 for a backtrace.

Build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish... error: build failed

any help?

Best Regards, Tim

timloo0710 commented 6 years ago

I test the cl.exe, lib.exe in my cmd, It shows as follows:

synct@sy-pc MINGW64 ~/git/PX8 (master) $ cl --v bash: cl: command not found

synct@sy-pc MINGW64 ~/git/PX8 (master) $ cl help bash: cl: command not found

synct@sy-pc MINGW64 ~/git/PX8 (master) $ cl.exe -v bash: cl.exe: command not found

synct@sy-pc MINGW64 ~/git/PX8 (master) $ lib.exe bash: lib.exe: command not found

Best Regards,Tim

timloo0710 commented 6 years ago

Hello, All:

I add the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin" to the "Path" system variable,

I alse ran "cargo build --features="cpython px8_plugin_lua" --release",

It showed other messages:

Compiling secur32-sys v0.2.0 Compiling schannel v0.1.7 error: failed to run custom build command for px8_plugin_lua v0.0.11 (file:///C:/Users/synct/git/PX8/src/plugins/lua) process didn't exit successfully: C:\Users\synct\git\PX8\target\release\build\px8_plugin_lua-d758b5acbc73c5ad\build-script-build (exit code: 101) --- stdout cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=lua lapi.c lauxlib.c lbaselib.c lbitlib.c lapi.c(13): fatal error C1034: stdarg.h: no include path set


--- stderr thread 'main' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: Error { repr: Custom(Custom { kind: Other, error: StringError("The command\n\t\"cl.exe\" \"lapi.c\" \"lauxlib.c\" \"lbaselib.c\" \"lbitlib.c\" \"lcode.c\" \"lcorolib.c\" \"lctype.c\" \"ldblib.c\" \"ldebug.c\" \"ldo.c\" \"ldump.c\" \"lfunc.c\" \"lgc.c\" \"linit.c\" \"liolib.c\" \"llex.c\" \"lmathlib.c\" \"lmem.c\" \"loadlib.c\" \"lobject.c\" \"lopcodes.c\" \"loslib.c\" \"lparser.c\" \"lstate.c\" \"lstring.c\" \"lstrlib.c\" \"ltable.c\" \"ltablib.c\" \"ltm.c\" \"lua.c\" \"lundump.c\" \"lutf8lib.c\" \"lvm.c\" \"lzio.c\" \"/c\" \"/MP\" \"/FoC:\\Users\\synct\\git\\PX8\\target\\release\\build\\px8_plugin_lua-db18ae5e8e449880\\out\\\" \"/nologo\"\ndid not run successfully.") }) }', src\libcore\ note: Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 for a backtrace.

Build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish... error: build failed

Any help?

Best Regards

hallucino commented 6 years ago

Well it is not so easy to build LUA + Python together. At least I failed until now too. But you can compile separately !

hallucino commented 6 years ago

No it is available.