GilLevi / AgeGenderDeepLearning

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Problem of getting training dataset #21

Closed BerenLuthien closed 6 years ago

BerenLuthien commented 6 years ago

Hi, anyone have the same issue of downloading from ?

Is the model trained on other dataset ? Thanks

TalHassner commented 6 years ago

@BerenLuthien what sort of problems are you having? As far as I can tell, the FTP is working fine. Did you follow the instructions below (from the Adience web page)?

direct access to the download directory is available through:

BerenLuthien commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot ! the link you gave worked ! 👍

zxx001 commented 6 years ago

image how to solve this problem?thank you

TalHassner commented 6 years ago

@zxx001 why is this a problem?

Click the link, enter the login details (same ones used for the FTP) and you'll have access to the data.

zxx001 commented 6 years ago

image the problem is that I don't have the access (same username and password as FTP server),could you share with me ?

TalHassner commented 6 years ago

You can get login credentials from the project webpage (assuming this is the age and gender DB):

Just fill in your details in the online form.

zxx001 commented 6 years ago

when I click the up one ,the page jump

so,what should I do ?

TalHassner commented 6 years ago

The page uses google forms. We know that in some countries, these forms do not work properly. I am afraid there is little I can do (I cannot post user credentials here on github). Please contact Gil on his e-mail and maybe he can send you this information.

zxx001 commented 6 years ago

fine,could you send me to my email?

BerenLuthien commented 6 years ago

Hi TalHassner, Thanks a lot for your kind help. -- I actually have problem of downloading LFW3D data (the 3rd one from your screenshot). The username and password, which works well on 1st link, seems not working on the others. -- Is there a separate password for LFW3D ? thx

TalHassner commented 6 years ago


Yes, each data set has its own credentials. To get the ones for LFW3D, use the form in the relevant project page:

I should note, however, that since our frontalization paper, our method improved. I would suggest rather than using the old LFW3D images, that you instead generate frontalized (or otherwise aligned) faces using our FacePoseNet code:

ZhuoerLyu commented 6 years ago

Thank you for providing us with this database!

But I have some troubles downloading the database, and it would be better if you can give me some advice.

After entering in the username and the password I got,I think I did get connected to the web, but I didn't find the subdirectory named AdienceBenchmarkOfUnfilteredFacesForGenderAndAgeClassification.

My screenshot of names of files is as follow.


Thank you so much!

TalHassner commented 6 years ago

Dear @ZhuoerLyu ,

We've been having problems with the servers at the open university of Israel. We are trying to work these out. Since this was a weekend, no one was there for maintenance. Please check again in the next few days and if the problem persists, let us know.

ZhuoerLyu commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your responding! @TalHassner

I'll check it again in next few days.

hasnainnaeem commented 5 years ago

Dear @TalHassner I need dataset named "Violent Flows benchmark and data set" for my academic project, can you please send me credentials? My email:

TalHassner commented 5 years ago

@hasnainnaeem this question is not relevant to the issue we're in, but the violent flows data set is available from that project's webpage

hasnainnaeem commented 5 years ago

Thanks for responding. FTP username & password are needed to download from the mentioned page. I tried now & previously. Can you please help?

TalHassner commented 5 years ago

You get them by filling out the form. Link to form in that webpage.

hasnainnaeem commented 5 years ago

Okay, thanks.