GilLevi / AgeGenderDeepLearning

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Problem with Running Code #42

Open osseney opened 4 years ago

osseney commented 4 years ago

I know this question has been posted before, but I'm trying to see what will happen if I change the number of filters for each convolutional layer/change the number of convolutional layers/etc.

So I need to figure out how to run the folds, because I think the Inception software doesn't work with deploy.prototxt or any of the prototxt files that contain the filter and convolution information.

I would also like to know how to prototxt files connect to Rude Carnie's Tensorflow code, specifically deploy.prototxt. Where is this file being ran in Rude Carnie's TensorFlow project? I can get to work, but I can't get to function correctly, which is where I think deploy.prototxt is being used. If I try to run, I just receive a "no directory" error.

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/autumn/tensor/AgeGenderDeepLearning-master/Folds/train_val_txt_files_per_fold/test_fold_is_0/md.json'

My other question is the same from then on: In, it seems use a tensorflow model provided from this repo, in his example it's located at AgeGenderDeepLearning/Folds/tf/age_test_fold_is_1/run-20854, but I can't find it anywhere in both repositories.

Are there tensorflow version models I just missed? Or, should I train it in tensorflow myself to get the models?

Really appreciate for sharing this work.

GilLevi commented 4 years ago


Thank you for your interest in our work. The original word was done in Caffe (prototxt files work with Caffe). For questions on the TensorFlow implementation, please refer to