GilLevi / AgeGenderDeepLearning

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How to train multiple folds? #5

Closed sanjanajainsj closed 6 years ago

sanjanajainsj commented 8 years ago

Hello, I am new to CNN and caffe. How should I be training on multiple folds? For training the first fold, I used ./build/tools/caffe train --solver=/home/ubuntu/gender-classification/gender_net_definitions/solver_test_fold_is_0.prototxt --gpu 0 But after training with the first fold successfully, how should I proceed with the others. Thank you in advance.

GilLevi commented 8 years ago


Thank you for your interest in our project.

For the second fold you can try:

./build/tools/caffe train --solver=/home/ubuntu/gender-classification/gender_net_definitions/solver_test_fold_is_1.prototxt --gpu 0

and so on.

Best, Gil