GillesDebunne / libQGLViewer

libQGLViewer is an open source C++ library based on Qt that eases the creation of OpenGL 3D viewers.
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[enhancement] removing qglviewer::Vec in favour of QVector3D #6

Open taiya opened 10 years ago

taiya commented 10 years ago

QGLViewer defines yet-another-vector-type. Couldn't you just use the QVector3D that now ships with Qt5? Especially the OpenGL4 API for Qt accepts natively QVector3D, etc... Because of this incongruence my code is scattered with usages of this function:

#include <QVector3D>
namespace qt{
    inline QVector3D tr(const qglviewer::Vec& v){ 
        return QVector3D(v.x, v.y, v.z); 
GillesDebunne commented 10 years ago

Yes, that's scheduled. QQuaternion and QMatrix4x4 could also be used, simplifying the code.


Also on the list is a switch to a more recent OpenGL rendering. That's the roadmap for libQGL version 3.

taiya commented 10 years ago

Hi Gilles, great, so perhaps label these kind of stuff as "enhancements" in github, so I avoid creating duplicates :) Unfortunately OpenGL4 in Qt4 was a pain, and that's why I am using Qt5.

taiya commented 9 years ago

Do you have any expected release date for version 3? Perhaps it's just simpler to just do OpenGL4/Qt5 and drop back-compatibility. It's a bold move, but often appreciated.

GillesDebunne commented 9 years ago

No time frame. These are just ideas at the moment.

Version 3 would also target a more recent openGL and would be using shaders. Any other ideas (mostly of things to remove) is welcome.