Gimly / vscode-matlab

MATLAB support for Visual Studio Code
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Matlab file icon #62

Open jxramos opened 5 years ago

jxramos commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure if this is under the purview of a vscode extension, but if its possible I'd love to see the icon you use for the extension itself to also be used for the .m files, possibly .mat files too.

I'm not sure if it could be pulled off but using the same icons as the Matlab desktop GUI would be a big win too, but that may be too Matlab specific and fail to immediately communicate these are m files. This would be important since people wouldn't run Matlab from VSCode but edit in there, so having a language to language differentiating icon would be better than just the simple fx icon the Matlab gui uses.


This is the sort of thing I'm talking about, examining a file under the sidebar. You see that m files default to the generic text icon like the gitCommitMsg.txt does. Notice that the python and json files each have their own distinctive icons. This would make the readability of the Matlab source pop out a lot in a heterogeneous language codebase.


rick3rt commented 5 years ago

The vscode-icons extension has a Matlab icon:


No .mat file support though, and also no difference between functions, scripts and classes.

timfelle commented 4 years ago

The vscode-icons extension has a Matlab icon:


No .mat file support though, and also no difference between functions, scripts and classes.

I use Material Icon Theme, and there it is possible to overwrite file associations with a setting, that might help with the .mat extension, and i am quite sure vscode-icons should have such an overwrite setting as well.

The setting from Material Icon Theme: "material-icon-theme.files.associations": { "*.m": "matlab", "*.mat": "matlab", }

thisisbipin commented 3 years ago

I feel this is an old question but then too you can do this by going to the file material-icons.json which is in this extension folder and just modify the fileExtensions section by adding "mat":"matlab", it will work since 'matlab' is already added in icons definition. screenshot

ghost commented 3 years ago

I prefer the aesthetic of - same color as text ofc

ghost commented 2 years ago

The appropriate thing to do is to implement the new fallback language icon proposal at microsoft/vscode#140047

I'll open a pull for it

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