Open GingerBear opened 10 years ago
时间复杂度为O(n),还不知如何分析是好。 空间复杂度O(n),因为额外使用了用来保存结果的数组,数组长度就是n。同时递归的深度最深为n,所以空间同样是n。
static int fib_rec(int i) {
if (i <= 2) return 1;
int[] memo = new int[i];
memo[0] = 1;
memo[1] = 1;
for (int j = 2; j < i; j++) {
memo[j] = 0;
return fib_rec_helper(i, memo);
static int fib_rec_helper(int i, int memo[]) {
if (memo[i-1] == 0) {
memo[i-1] = fib_rec_helper(i - 1, memo) + fib_rec_helper(i - 2, memo);
return memo[i-1];
} else {
return memo[i-1];
迭代做法(或者叫递推比较好)比较符合正常思维,就是只记录最新的两个值,一个一个往前算。个人觉得这不能严格算动态规划,尽管有人觉得算。 时间复杂度O(n),因为循环了n次。 空间复杂度O(1),因为不管n多大,只是用常数个变量。
static int fib2(int i) {
if (i <= 2) return 1;
int i1 = 1, i2 = 1, tmp = 0;
for (int j = 2; j < i; j++) {
tmp = i1;
i1 = i2;
i2 = tmp + i2;
return i2;
public static void main(String [] args) {
simpleAssert(fib_rec(1) == 1, "fib_rec: 1");
simpleAssert(fib_rec(3) == 2, "fib_rec: 3");
simpleAssert(fib_rec(7) == 13, "fib_rec: 7");
simpleAssert(fib_rec(19) == 4181, "fib_rec: 3");
simpleAssert(fib2(1) == 1, "fib2: 1");
simpleAssert(fib2(3) == 2, "fib2: 3");
simpleAssert(fib2(7) == 13, "fib2: 7");
simpleAssert(fib2(19) == 4181, "fib2: 3");
static void simpleAssert(Boolean ifSuccess, String msg){
if (ifSuccess) {
System.out.println("SUCCESS:\t" + msg);
System.out.println("FAILS:\t" + msg);
@dianadujing 其实还有一个矩阵的作法,但没什么意思,主要是希望能从这题里总结一下递归和动态规划的基础的东西。
Recursive way:
public class FibonacciR {
public static int fibonacciN(int input){
if(input == 0)
return 0;
else if(input == 1)
return 1;
return fibonacciN(input-1)+fibonacciN(input-2);
public static void main(String[] args){
BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
int x=0;
System.out.println("Input an integer: ");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("The result of Fibonacci is: "+fibonacciN(x));
Time Complexity: O(2^n) because nth sequence needs two recursive sequence--(n-1) and (n-2). On CC150, there is a better solution by using cache--Caching results between calls. The modified version of Fibonacci sequence is below:
public class FibonacciDP {
static final int MAX = 1000;
public static void main(String[] args){
int output = fibonacciDP(5);
public static int[] fib = new int[MAX];
public static int fibonacciDP(int input){
if(input == 0){
return 0;
if(input == 1){
return 1;
if(fib[input]!=0) return fib[input]; //return cached
fib[input] = fibonacciDP(input-1) + fibonacci(input-2);
return fib[input];
In this way, the time complexity of fibonacci sequence will become O(n).
public class FibonacciI {
public static int fibonacciN(int input){
int input1 = 0;
int input2 = 1;
int temp = 0;
for(int i=0;i<input;i++){
temp = input1;
input1 = input2;
input2 = temp + input2;
return input1;
I think the time complexity for iteration way is O(n), because you just need to sum the previous item and the one before the previous one for n times.
@dianadujing 有没有更好地方法?试着总结一下,分析一下复杂度?
@GingerBear CC150 has explanation for recursive algorithm, please check P108.
@dianadujing Why not share your own understanding here?
At the beginning, I was confused about the time complexity when recursion was used. Then I checked the book and found this. I thought you met the same condition as me....If you had already seen that, ignore what I said
这里探讨一下时间复杂度 如果用楼上楼上的recursive way的话,时间复杂度是O{[(5^1/2)+1]^n/2^n}. 首先可以很容易看出一个上阶,那就是O(2^n). 如果要精确这个上阶,我们要回来看一下这个递推公式f(n+1)=fn+f(n-1); 这个递推可以用正常的配系数的方法解,比较麻烦,这里不详细介绍了; 还有一个方法是用特征方程来解,这个递推的特征根是x^2-x-1=0; 得到两个特征根,然后可以得到复杂度的表达式。
如果要说到更好的code, 我能想到的就应该就只要矩阵的那个。在recursive 前提下能达到 lgn级别。
@allen6432 欢迎怡波童鞋的加入,数学系出身的分析起来果然高大上,你能不能发一个新的issue跟我们讲讲如何用正确地方法分析一个算法的时间复杂度和空间复杂度?
"时间复杂度是O{[(5^1/2)+1]^n/2^n}. "怎么做出这个结果的?@allen6432
@GingerBear @dianadujing 不好意思,这几天没来逛。 我争取今晚写写怎么算时间复杂度的东西