GinjaChris / pentmenu

A bash script for recon and DOS attacks
GNU General Public License v3.0
499 stars 218 forks source link

[suggestion] Use 'q' for quit #49

Open xorond opened 6 years ago

xorond commented 6 years ago

Hi Chris. I've just finished updating pentmenu to the latest version on ArchStrike and while doing that I noticed something. While going through the menus, users may want to quickly go back to the previous menu or quit the program entirely. I suggest that if a user types q or quit, the program should exit cleanly. Also if a user types p or prev, it should go back to the previous menu. (I think that if you go into 2+ menus, it gets tedious to exit the program without Ctrl+C) Thanks for all the great work!

GinjaChris commented 6 years ago

Anyone think of a better way to do this than to create a new function, define all possible input variables in it ($SSL, $TARGET, $OUTPUT, $PROTO, $SOURCE, $PORT etc etc) and issue a message and clean exit if any of these match "q" or "quit"? Doing it this way, would have to then call this function at every possible input ("read") in the code. Anyone know of a way to do if 'any input = "q" or "quit" then exit'?

madhuCNKony commented 6 years ago

Hi Chris,

I am trying out 2) DOS --> 9) Slowloris

But this option is not asking URL to attack. Can you please help me with example, how can I use this option.

GinjaChris commented 6 years ago

Hello Madhu, this isn't really the right place for this question, but anyway here goes:

1) Recon
2) DOS
3) Extraction
4) View Readme
5) Quit
1) ICMP Echo Flood       6) TCP XMAS Flood      11) Distraction Scan
2) ICMP Blacknurse       7) UDP Flood           12) DNS NXDOMAIN Flood
3) TCP SYN Flood         8) SSL DOS             13) Go back
4) TCP ACK Flood         9) Slowloris
5) TCP RST Flood        10) IPsec DOS
Using netcat for Slowloris attack....
Enter target:
Target is set to localhost
Enter target port (defaults to 80):

Using Port 80
Enter number of connections to open (default 2000):

Choose interval between sending headers.
Default is [r]andom, between 5 and 15 seconds, or enter interval in seconds:

use SSL/TLS? [y]es or [n]o (default):

Launching Slowloris....Use 'Ctrl c' to exit prematurely
Slowloris attack ongoing...this is connection 1, interval is 7 seconds
Slowloris attack ongoing...this is connection 2, interval is 7 seconds
Slowloris attack ongoing...this is connection 3, interval is 7 seconds

If you're looking to use a specific URI (path) as the target i.e. http://someplace.not/foo/bar.html - the "foo/bar.html" part - this is not supported. Slowloris attacks will hit the default index page of the target.
