Gioman101 / FlipperAmiibo

Made to be used with Flipper just drag the folder into NFC
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Monster Hunter Rise Subreak Amiibo unable to be scanned successfully #10

Closed kingblinx closed 1 year ago

kingblinx commented 2 years ago

When scanning the Malzeno.nfc , Palamute Canyne Malzeno.nfc, and Palico Felyne Malzeno.nfc Amiibo, I am getting a generic error "This is not an amiibo." with error code 2115-0176 in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Older amiibo are working fine for other games. I even tested amiibo from monster hunter stories and they scanned fine in sunbreak, it is just the three new ones that are not scanning.

kingblinx commented 2 years ago

Forgot to mention that a .SHD file is created on the SD card with the same name as the Amiibo after scanning. For example, when scanning the Malzeno.nfc, a file called Malzeno.shd is created in the same directory. I have attached the file for reference.

It appears the only differences between the NFC and SHD file is that the Mifare Classic option is added on the line "Nfc device type can be", the "Counter 2" option changes from 0 to 2, and a new line is added to the bottom that says "Failed authentication attempts: 1" on the SHD file.

RogueMaster commented 2 years ago

This is possible due to an issue with the converter PY script and PWD/PACK on the last pages. I opened an issue there...

Xrayzor1337 commented 1 year ago

same issue, with DIABLO

Lanjelin commented 1 year ago

This issue seems to be mostly linked wrong size of the .bin-files used as source, as I assume all these files are generated using the known PY script.

The size of the .bin-files are supposed to be 540bytes it seems, the ones tossing "This is not an amiibo"-error are 532 or 572bytes. EDIT: NTAG215 as the Amiibos are stored on, are of a 540byte capacity, so I guess this is the true explanation.

Editing .bin-files, appending 0000 0000 0000 0000 at the end, I've successfully managed to fix all the the 532byte files (making them 540bytes).

For the .nfc-files, this means you need to change Pages total to 135, and appending the following two lines at the end

Page 133: 00 00 00 00
Page 134: 00 00 00 00

As for the .nfc with 572bytes .bin source, I've managed to get Qbby.nfc working by removing Pages exceeding 134, and setting Pages total to 135.

Oh, and when you're done modifying the files on the SD-card, delete the .shd-files, as it seems to be some sort of runtime-cache the Flipper uses.

I've made my own collection with some other naming scheme, as I'm planning to make folders for what games the Amiibos are used, as well as folders for series. Currently editing all the .bins, once I'm done testing the changes, I'll make a PR with the fixes.