Gioman101 / FlipperAmiibo

Made to be used with Flipper just drag the folder into NFC
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"Selected file is too large" when uploading Animal_Crossing using QFlipper #18

Closed arazumny closed 2 years ago

arazumny commented 2 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Download Animal_Crossing
  2. Attempt to upload to Flipper using QFlipper

Error; image

arazumny commented 2 years ago

Additional information: This issue only occurs when attempting to upload this specific folder, or when uploading the total FlipperAmiibo folder. The issue does not occur when uploading other Amiibo folders.

arazumny commented 2 years ago

Additional information: When I upload the sub-folders individually, I encounter no issues.

Gioman101 commented 2 years ago

I would recommend using a SD card reader instead to drop the entire repository instead of Qflipper