Gioman101 / FlipperAmiibo

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ID mismatch in Zelda TOTK Amiibos #50

Open ChelysGalactica opened 1 year ago

ChelysGalactica commented 1 year ago

The IDs for the 2 new Tears of the Kingdom Amiibos don't match the IDs in AmiiboAPI. They seem to scan fine for now, but are probably not correct. A 00 in the second byte says it's a Link Amiibo.

Legend_of_Zelda/TOTK/Gerudo_King.nfc comes up as 01000000041a0902, but should be 01020100041a0902 Legend_of_Zelda/TOTK/Princess_Zelda.nfc comes up as 0100000004190902, but should be 0101000004190902

I tried just changing pages 21 and 22, but that seemed to mess up the scan. I'm just learning about the data format, so I'm guessing it messes up some kind of checksum.