Giorgi / DuckDB.NET

Bindings and ADO.NET Provider for DuckDB
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Unexpected Constraint Error on UPDATE Query Without Changing Primary Key #126

Closed ZhangZiFei closed 10 months ago

ZhangZiFei commented 10 months ago

I encountered an unexpected behavior while using DuckDB.NET with a specific table schema and an UPDATE query. The issue seems to be related to the existence of an index in conjunction with the primary key constraint.

Table Schema:

  key VARCHAR(65535) NOT NULL,
  name VARCHAR(65535) NOT NULL,
  value VARCHAR(65535) NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (key, name)

CREATE INDEX idx_name ON Tag(name);
CREATE INDEX idx_value ON Tag(value);


INSERT INTO Tag (key, name, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?);
UPDATE Tag SET value = ? WHERE key = ? AND name = ?; --Error


DuckDB.NET.Data.DuckDBException: Constraint Error: Duplicate key "key: key1, name: name1" violates primary key constraint.

Interestingly, the error disappears when I remove the index idx_value.

Is this behavior expected? Am I missing something here, or is this a bug?

Giorgi commented 10 months ago

Do you get the same error when you use the Duckdb cli or does this happen only from DuckDB.Net?

ZhangZiFei commented 10 months ago

I tested it with Python and encountered the same exception. My apologies, I must have asked in the wrong place.

Giorgi commented 10 months ago

Yes, it makes more sense to ask at or their discord.