Giorgi / DuckDB.NET

Bindings and ADO.NET Provider for DuckDB
MIT License
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Implement BLOB type support #54

Closed unconverged closed 1 year ago

unconverged commented 1 year ago

We need both reading and writing of blob values.

Giorgi commented 1 year ago

To pass blob as parameter we need to introduce a new Enum for parameter type (DuckDBType) and use that instead of DbType

unconverged commented 1 year ago

Why? There is DbType.Binary value we can use here.

Giorgi commented 1 year ago

There is but

There is nothing stopping us from using DbType.Binary technically but I don't know if that's the right thing to do or not.

hazzik commented 2 months ago

This also needs to be documented.

Giorgi commented 2 months ago

@hazzik Docs are in this repo: