Giorgi / DuckDB.NET

Bindings and ADO.NET Provider for DuckDB
MIT License
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DecimalParameter not supported on culture not using the point as decimal separator #90

Closed Seddryck closed 1 year ago

Seddryck commented 1 year ago

When running current test-suite on a computer with a configuration where the point is not the decimal separator, the following test is failing:

   Source: DecimalParameterTest.cs line 39
   Duration: 7 ms

DuckDB.NET.Data.DuckDBException : Conversion Error: Could not convert string "0,5" to DECIMAL(38,15)

  Stack Trace: 
PreparedStatement.Execute(DuckDBParameterCollection parameterCollection) line 67
DuckDbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() line 68
DecimalParameterTests.<InsertSelectValueTest>g__DecimalTests|1_0(Decimal[] values, Int32 precision, Int32 scale, <>c__DisplayClass1_0& ) line 72
DecimalParameterTests.InsertSelectValueTest() line 45

Also the test DecimalParameterTests.SimpleTest is sensitive to culture.

Seddryck commented 1 year ago

I'm working on it and will submit a PR.

Giorgi commented 1 year ago

@Seddryck Thanks!