GiorgioRegni / AnsibleScratch

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After running setup - I don't know what directory to work into #8

Open GiorgioRegni opened 8 years ago

GiorgioRegni commented 8 years ago

The script says: To use Ansible, please configure your environment by running "source"

But I need to cd into AnsibleScratch to do that.

ratmav commented 8 years ago

You can source ~/AnsibleScratch/, else I'm not clear on exactly what you have in mind.

Originally, I wrote all of this to ~/.profile, so sourcing environment variables was only necessary if you didn't want to log in and back out. Here's the history where that was changed, as part of what I understood to be changes made as part of #3.

Once you source the environment config, the ansible and ansible-playbook commands should be available regardless of what directory you are in.

ratmav commented 8 years ago

Would you like to go back to the ~/.profile approach?

GiorgioRegni commented 8 years ago

What I saying is that the fact that is in ~/AnsibleScratch/ is not explicit when running

ratmav commented 8 years ago

I think I updated the notification after install earlier, but it should definitely notify now.