GiorgosXou / NeuralNetworks

A resource-conscious neural network implementation for MCUs
MIT License
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How to load a NN from an SD? [Response to an email] #18

Closed GiorgosXou closed 7 months ago

GiorgosXou commented 7 months ago



Regarding a question I was asked in an email:

πŸ“œ Click to expand and see the code ```c++ #define NumberOf(arg) ((unsigned int) (sizeof (arg) / sizeof (arg [0]))) // calculates the number of layers (in this case 3) #define FILENAME "WEIGHTSA.txt" // make sure the name is simple because it seems like somethings wrong if not #define SELU #include // #include #include NeuralNetwork *NN; const unsigned int layers[] = {2,4,1}; //3 layers (1st)layer with 2 input neurons (2nd)layer with 4 hidden neurons and (3rd)layer with 1 output neuron float *output; // 3rd layer's output(s) File myFile; // The file from which weights will be loaded the next time //Default Inputs [for Training only] const float inputs[4][2] = { {0, 0}, // = 0 {0, 1}, // = 1 {1, 0}, // = 1 {1, 1} // = 0 }; const float expectedOutput[4][1] = {{0},{1},{1},{0}}; // Values that we are expecting to get from the 3rd/(output)layer of Neural-network, in other words something like a feedback to the Neural-network. void initialize() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.print("Initializing SD"); if (!SD.begin()) { Serial.println(", failed!"); exit(0); } Serial.println(", done."); randomSeed(millis()); // Just for testing the NN later at loop() } void load_weights() { myFile =; if (myFile) { float weights[12]; // (2*4)+(4*1) float biases[2]; // input_to_hiden and hiden_to_output Serial.print("Loading weigths from '" + String(FILENAME) + "'"); int numberOflayers = myFile.readStringUntil('\n').toInt(); int i_j = 0; int inOuts; for(int n=0; nnumberOflayers+1); for(int n=0; nnumberOflayers; n++){ myFile.println(*NN->layers[n].bias, 7); myFile.println(NN->layers[n]._numberOfOutputs * NN->layers[n]._numberOfInputs); for(int i=0; ilayers[n]._numberOfOutputs; i++){ for(int j=0; jlayers[n]._numberOfInputs; j++){ myFile.println(NN->layers[n].weights[i][j], 7); // or ...weights[i_j] if defined B00010000 , where i_j is the sum of i + j } } } Serial.println(", done."); myFile.close(); } else {// if the file didn't open, print an error: Serial.println("error opening '" + String(FILENAME) + "' for writing."); exit(0); } } void train_weights() { NN = new NeuralNetwork(layers,NumberOf(layers)); //Initialization of NeuralNetwork object Serial.println("Training the NN"); do{ for (int j = 0; j < NumberOf(inputs); j++) // Epoch { NN->FeedForward(inputs[j]); // FeedForwards the input arrays through the NN | stores the output array internally NN->BackProp(expectedOutput[j]); // "Tells" to the NN if the output was the-expected-correct one | then, "teaches" it } // Prints the MSError. Serial.print("MSE: "); Serial.println(NN->MeanSqrdError,6); // Loops through each epoch Until MSE goes < 0.003 }while(NN->getMeanSqrdError(NumberOf(inputs)) > 0.003); Serial.println("Done"); save_weights(); } void setup() { initialize(); if (SD.exists(FILENAME)) load_weights(); else train_weights(); NN->print(); } float input[2]; // Input Array void loop() // testing a hypotherical scenarion { //For example: here you could have a live input from two buttons/switches (or a feed from a sensor if it was a different NN) input[0] = random(2); // ... lets say input from a button/Switch | random(2) = 0 or 1 input[1] = random(2); // ... lets say input from another button/Switch | random(2) = 0 or 1 output = NN->FeedForward(input); // FeedForwards the input-array through the NN | returns the predicted output(s) Serial.println((String)"Inputs: " + round( input[0]) + "," + round(input[1])); // Although you can kind of use casting like: Serial.println((String)"Output: " + round(output[0])); // "(int)output[0]" instead of round to reduces ROM usage, be careful delay(1500); } ```

Important note

Althrought it works (on Arduino UNO) there's an important issue to note! .toFloat() (which is atof() in it's core) it is not 100% accurate, because of the ULP error\issue (as from what I understand), eg.

Training phase weigths:

Saving weigths into 'WEIGHTS7.txt', done.

2 4| bias:0.96
1  W:-0.9386852  W:-0.9057563 
2  W:-0.9714680  W:-0.9337891 
3  W:-0.9013161  W:-0.9461459 
4  W:-2.0541970  W:-2.0452339 
4 1| bias:-0.37
1  W: 0.5785636  W: 0.4733289  W: 0.5075090  W:-1.2084372 

Loading from SD weigths:

Loading weigths from 'WEIGHTS7.txt', done.

2 4| bias:0.96
1  W:-0.9386852  W:-0.9057563 
2  W:-0.9714680  W:-0.9337891 
3  W:-0.9013161  W:-0.9461459 
4  W:-2.0541970  W:-2.0452339 
4 1| bias:-0.37
1  W: 0.5785636  W: 0.4733289  W: 0.5075089  W:-1.2084370 

Results to W: 0.5075090 and W:-1.2084372 becoming W: 0.5075089 and W:-1.2084370 something that could result into issues in larger NNs (I guess)



For simple NNs I don't think this is a huge issue, but for more complex ones it might be. So, it might be a good idea to consider EEPROM or F-RAM instead.


GiorgosXou commented 7 months ago

Ok, I might be an Idiot, you can save them as long and do something like this, example:

void setup() {
  uint32_t myInt = 1078530000; // Replace with your 4-byte integer

  float myFloat = *((float*)(&myInt));

  Serial.println(myFloat, 7);
void setup() {
  float myFloat = 3.14159; // Replace with your float

  uint32_t myInt = *((uint32_t*)(&myFloat));

GiorgosXou commented 7 months ago

So this, should work, but for some reason, it is not accurate either (but in another way... wierd....)

πŸ“œ Click to expand and see the code ```c++ #define NumberOf(arg) ((unsigned int) (sizeof (arg) / sizeof (arg [0]))) // calculates the number of layers (in this case 3) #define FILENAME "WEIGHTS2.txt" // make sure the name is simple because it seems like somethings wrong if not #define SELU #include // #include #include NeuralNetwork *NN; const unsigned int layers[] = {2,4,1}; //3 layers (1st)layer with 2 input neurons (2nd)layer with 4 hidden neurons and (3rd)layer with 1 output neuron float *output; // 3rd layer's output(s) File myFile; // The file from which weights will be loaded the next time //Default Inputs [for Training only] const float inputs[4][2] = { {0, 0}, // = 0 {0, 1}, // = 1 {1, 0}, // = 1 {1, 1} // = 0 }; const float expectedOutput[4][1] = {{0},{1},{1},{0}}; // Values that we are expecting to get from the 3rd/(output)layer of Neural-network, in other words something like a feedback to the Neural-network. void initialize() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.print("Initializing SD"); if (!SD.begin()) { Serial.println(", failed!"); exit(0); } Serial.println(", done."); randomSeed(millis()); // Just for testing the NN later at loop() } void load_weights() { myFile =; if (myFile) { float weights[12]; // (2*4)+(4*1) float biases[2]; // input_to_hiden and hiden_to_output Serial.print("Loading weigths from '" + String(FILENAME) + "'"); int numberOflayers = myFile.readStringUntil('\n').toInt(); int i_j = 0; int inOuts; long t; for(int n=0; nnumberOflayers+1); for(int n=0; nnumberOflayers; n++){ myFile.println(*((uint32_t*)(&*NN->layers[n].bias))); myFile.println(NN->layers[n]._numberOfOutputs * NN->layers[n]._numberOfInputs); for(int i=0; ilayers[n]._numberOfOutputs; i++){ for(int j=0; jlayers[n]._numberOfInputs; j++){ myFile.println(*((uint32_t*)(&NN->layers[n].weights[i][j]))); // or ...weights[i_j] if defined B00010000 , where i_j is the sum of i + j } } } Serial.println(", done."); myFile.close(); } else {// if the file didn't open, print an error: Serial.println("error opening '" + String(FILENAME) + "' for writing."); exit(0); } } void train_weights() { NN = new NeuralNetwork(layers,NumberOf(layers)); //Initialization of NeuralNetwork object Serial.println("Training the NN"); do{ for (int j = 0; j < NumberOf(inputs); j++) // Epoch { NN->FeedForward(inputs[j]); // FeedForwards the input arrays through the NN | stores the output array internally NN->BackProp(expectedOutput[j]); // "Tells" to the NN if the output was the-expected-correct one | then, "teaches" it } // Prints the MSError. Serial.print("MSE: "); Serial.println(NN->MeanSqrdError,6); // Loops through each epoch Until MSE goes < 0.003 }while(NN->getMeanSqrdError(NumberOf(inputs)) > 0.003); Serial.println("Done"); save_weights(); } void setup() { initialize(); if (SD.exists(FILENAME)) load_weights(); else train_weights(); NN->print(); } float input[2]; // Input Array void loop() // testing a hypotherical scenarion { //For example: here you could have a live input from two buttons/switches (or a feed from a sensor if it was a different NN) input[0] = random(2); // ... lets say input from a button/Switch | random(2) = 0 or 1 input[1] = random(2); // ... lets say input from another button/Switch | random(2) = 0 or 1 output = NN->FeedForward(input); // FeedForwards the input-array through the NN | returns the predicted output(s) Serial.println((String)"Inputs: " + round( input[0]) + "," + round(input[1])); // Although you can kind of use casting like: Serial.println((String)"Output: " + round(output[0])); // "(int)output[0]" instead of round to reduces ROM usage, be careful delay(1500); } ```

Based on the NN.print() weigths are the same, but somethign else is wrong when loading...

GiorgosXou commented 7 months ago


Now everything works fine! (Just make sure that your MCU\board's float and long are of the same length, eg. "on Arduino uno they are both 4bytes in length" else you should consider changing atol() and the casting to somethign equivalent to the float size\length )

#define NumberOf(arg) ((unsigned int) (sizeof (arg) / sizeof (arg [0]))) // calculates the number of layers (in this case 3)
#define FILENAME "/WEIGHTS2.txt" // make sure the name is simple because it seems like somethings wrong if not
#define SELU 
#include <SD.h> //
#include <SPI.h>
#include <NeuralNetwork.h>
          NeuralNetwork *NN;

const unsigned int layers[] = {2,4,1}; //3 layers (1st)layer with 2 input neurons (2nd)layer with 4 hidden neurons and (3rd)layer with 1 output neuron
float *output; // 3rd layer's output(s)
File myFile;   // The file from which weights will be loaded the next time

//Default Inputs [for Training only]
const float inputs[4][2] = {
  {0, 0}, // = 0
  {0, 1}, // = 1
  {1, 0}, // = 1
  {1, 1}  // = 0
const float expectedOutput[4][1] = {{0},{1},{1},{0}}; // Values that we are expecting to get from the 3rd/(output)layer of Neural-network, in other words something like a feedback to the Neural-network.

void initialize()
  Serial.print("Initializing SD");
  if (!SD.begin()) { 
    Serial.println(", failed!"); 
  Serial.println(", done.");  
  randomSeed(millis()); // Just for testing the NN later at loop()

float weights[12]; // (2*4)+(4*1) 
float biases[2];   // input_to_hiden and hiden_to_output
void load_weights()
  myFile =;
  if (myFile) {
    Serial.print("Loading weigths from '" + String(FILENAME) + "'");  
    int numberOflayers = myFile.readStringUntil('\n').toInt();
    int i_j = 0;
    int inOuts;
    long tmp;
    for(int n=0; n<numberOflayers; n++){
      tmp = atol((char*)myFile.readStringUntil('\n').c_str());
      biases[n] = *((float*)(&tmp)); // toFloat() which is atof() is not accurate (at least on Arduino UNO)
      inOuts = myFile.readStringUntil('\n').toInt();
      for(int i=0; i<inOuts; i++){
          tmp = atol((char*)myFile.readStringUntil('\n').c_str());
          weights[i_j] = *((float*)(&tmp)); // toFloat() which is atof() is not accurate (at least on Arduino UNO)
    Serial.println(", done.");  
    NN = new NeuralNetwork(layers, weights, biases, numberOflayers);//Initialization of NeuralNetwork object
  } else {// if the file didn't open, print an error:
    Serial.println("Error opening '" + String(FILENAME) + "' for reading.");      

void save_weights()
  myFile =, FILE_WRITE);
  if (myFile){
    Serial.print("Saving weigths into '" + String(FILENAME) + "'");  
    for(int n=0; n<NN->numberOflayers; n++){
      myFile.println(NN->layers[n]._numberOfOutputs * NN->layers[n]._numberOfInputs); 
      for(int i=0; i<NN->layers[n]._numberOfOutputs; i++){
        for(int j=0; j<NN->layers[n]._numberOfInputs; j++){
          myFile.println(*((int32_t*)(&NN->layers[n].weights[i][j]))); // or ...weights[i_j] if defined B00010000 , where i_j is the sum of i + j
    Serial.println(", done.");  
  } else {// if the file didn't open, print an error:
    Serial.println("error opening '" + String(FILENAME) + "' for writing.");      

void train_weights()
  NN = new NeuralNetwork(layers,NumberOf(layers)); //Initialization of NeuralNetwork object
  Serial.println("Training the NN");
    for (int j = 0; j < NumberOf(inputs); j++) // Epoch
      NN->FeedForward(inputs[j]);      // FeedForwards the input arrays through the NN | stores the output array internally
      NN->BackProp(expectedOutput[j]); // "Tells" to the NN if the output was the-expected-correct one | then, "teaches" it

    // Prints the MSError.
    Serial.print("MSE: "); 

    // Loops through each epoch Until MSE goes  < 0.003
  }while(NN->getMeanSqrdError(NumberOf(inputs)) > 0.003);

void setup()
  if (SD.exists(FILENAME))


float input[2]; // Input Array
void loop()  // testing a hypotherical scenarion
  //For example: here you could have a live input from two buttons/switches (or a feed from a sensor if it was a different NN)
  input[0] = random(2); // ... lets say input from a       button/Switch | random(2) = 0 or 1
  input[1] = random(2); // ... lets say input from another button/Switch | random(2) = 0 or 1

  output = NN->FeedForward(input); // FeedForwards the input-array through the NN | returns the predicted output(s)

  Serial.println((String)"Inputs: " + round( input[0]) + "," + round(input[1])); // Although you can kind of use casting like:
  Serial.println((String)"Output: " + round(output[0])); // "(int)output[0]" instead of round to reduces ROM usage, be careful

GiorgosXou commented 7 months ago

Ok just fixed 2 more things for ESP32 uint32_t to int32_t and / to #define FILENAME "/WEIGHTS2.txt"

GiorgosXou commented 7 months ago

Also many issues with esp32 related to -fpermissive and undifined actions taken in destractor that i'm fixing right now in a week or so i will have a new release

GiorgosXou commented 7 months ago

Oh... god ...I might have done something wrong, i'm not sure yet

GiorgosXou commented 7 months ago

whatever i did here doesn't matter, in a week I'll have a new version that supports SD.

GiorgosXou commented 7 months ago