GiorgosXou / NeuralNetworks

A resource-conscious neural network implementation for MCUs
MIT License
70 stars 21 forks source link

(OLD) V1.X.X Arduino-IDE freezes on compilation, (possibly) due to the amount of preproccesor directives #31

Open GiorgosXou opened 2 months ago

GiorgosXou commented 2 months ago

Depending on the board or MCU you use, the IDE will either freeze or take way too long to compile. (At least with this build of the old-Arduino). I'm suspecting this is a result of the immense amount of preproccesor-directives\optimizations in a single file. This issue appeared with the release of NeuralNetworks v2.1.0-beta

PS. I'm also suspecting this is a threading issue of the old IDE or something... because it compiles perfectly with arduino-cli or the new one

tl;dr Use the new one or arduino-cli

Any Idea though?