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ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when calling getLocatedFileStatus on empty file #130

Closed milandesai closed 9 years ago

milandesai commented 9 years ago

As @octo47 discovered after applying my Hadoop upgrade patch (Issue-94), we get ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when calling getLocatedFileStatus on empty file. This is especially a problem after doing the upgrade since create() now returns a LocatedFileStatus object, meaning every create call will throw this Exception. I created a new issue instead of incorporating the fix into upgrade because this is a separate bug.

milandesai commented 9 years ago

Created a pull request with the trivial fix and a test. This is a blocker for Issue 94.

shvachko commented 9 years ago


shvachko commented 9 years ago

Just committed. Thank you Milan.