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Should not commit sources generated from protobuf descriptions #139

Closed shvachko closed 8 years ago

shvachko commented 9 years ago

Currently we commit both .proto definitions and the generated Java sources. We should add a build target, which would generate Java sources from .proto under target/generated-sources. Then we can remove the Java files from the source tree. Note: add Apache license to grfa.proto as a part of this.

octo47 commented 9 years ago

I'd rather commit generated files. The reason is that we need to have a specific version of protoc on every host where we are compiling our project. I think it is better just to have profile to run protoc when needed (and may run it everytime on jenkins to be sure).

shvachko commented 9 years ago

Yes compiling sources will require protoc. The package target should add them to the appropriate jars. So users will not need to compile or have protoc. I don't see any reason to keep transient code in the repo. It is the same as committing generated jars in the repo or compiled libraries. You can, but what's the point. Besides if there are any differences in how protoc generates Java code for different providers/versions of Java or OSs, then there is no other way.

octo47 commented 9 years ago

I told about developers. That become not possible to just download and compile giraffa. One need to install protobuf expected version. Just not very convent in comparison of very rare changes of .proto files. External dependency is not good. But I'm ok with that. Just pointed out that it would introduce external dependency for build process.

weilintsaiWand commented 8 years ago

I spent some time on this issue but I am not sure if I am on the right track. For now I add some lines in giraffa-core/pom.xml in maven-antrun's generate-sourcesphase

<exec executable="protoc">
  <arg value="-I=${basedir}/src/main/proto" />
  <arg value="--java_out=${generated.sources}/java"/>
  <arg value="${basedir}/src/main/proto/grfa.proto"/>

The java file can be generated as target/generated-sources/java/org/apache/giraffa/ After removing original src/main/java/org/apache/giraffa/ We can use mvn clean install to build the project.

However, there are two problems I can not solve now

weilintsaiWand commented 8 years ago

Quick update for the IDE problem I mentioned above. It turns out to be my IDE project setting problem. The problem disappeared after I deleted the setting file and reload the project to IDE again. I test the code with both Eclipse and Intellij could load the generated java file under target/generated-sources/java/org/apache/giraffa/ correctly.

weilintsaiWand commented 8 years ago

What I did in this patch

Need further discussion part

Plamen and I have a short discussion about how we deal with this issue properly. We believe we should talk about it further before commit code. Below are some concerns need to be addressed.

Do we need protoc (protobuf compiler)

If we don't put in repository. Developers need install protoc themselves. No matter users generate manually or by mvn command, the protoc is required. That introduce additional dependency.

Where Java files to be generated
Current approach

It's in target/generated-sources/java/org/apache/giraffa/

Plamen's proposal

To put in src/java/org/apache/giraffa/ and to edit gitignore to ignore this file.

My personal opinion
shvachko commented 8 years ago

A requirement for protoc compiler should be fine for developers. Other projects do that:

We can link this guide from Giraffa wiki:

shvachko commented 8 years ago

Works for me. Both command-line and Eclipse builds worked.

shvachko commented 8 years ago

You got two +1 (Cos and me). Should be able to push changes to trunk. Please follow the code sharing instructions