GirlsFirst / gwcvidgameproject

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mafia #20

Closed Jessicabecerro closed 5 years ago

Jessicabecerro commented 5 years ago

The Game Mafia is a group game where 7 or more people can play.The game is all about STRATEGY. In this game everybody has a role to play. While playing the game, the group have to have a narrator that has played the game before and know how to play. The characters that are involved in the game is "The Town People", "The Mafia", and "The Detective". The Mafia wakes up late at night when its told to by the narrator and chooses who he/she will be murdering that night, then goes back to sleep once they have chosen their victim. The Detective also wakes up when its told by the narrator. They decide who they are going to investigate if they have investigated the mafia then the detective has a greater chance of convincing others of who is the mafia . Everybody wakes up in the morning and the narrator now tells them someone has been murdered, and they all gather up and try to convince one another that they are an innocent towns person .Mafia will play innocent too. Once someone has chosen who is the mafia, the people will vote afterwards. The accused person will have a chance to try and convince that they are not the mafia .If the Mafia has not been caught then the game still continues until there are more mafias than towns people.