GispoCoding / GS009_PostgreSQL_ja_PostGISin_perusteet

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Minor issues #15

Closed tmiosmauli closed 3 months ago

tmiosmauli commented 6 months ago

In exercise 1.2 move the instruction to quit psql to the end just before "Muita huomioita" so that students do not close the DB connection too soon.

Add a number 3.1 for the first steps of Exercise 3 "Yksinkertaisia SQL-hakuja" and rename the following steps with +.1 i.e. 3.2 onwards.

Simplify exercise 3.4 so that parts that will not show in the result are stripped out ("Maakunta", "Pituus", "Kielisyys").

Instruct to order the results in exercise 3.5 as is done in the model answer. "Järjestä tulokset kunnan nimen pituuden mukaan laskevasti".

In exercise 4.1 change the notion of WGS84 and basemap to be a hint "Vinkki: jos haluat näkyviin taustakartan..", the text should be in a box that is styled as other hints (see e.g. QGIS-course exercises)

Add numbering to each step of exercise 6.2 and make the notion of "Tiet, jotka leikkaavat kuntarajoja" kinder.

Change to introduction to geoprocessing exercise so that the first part is demoed and actual exercises start from 8.1.

Make the exercise 9.2 "Käyttäjäroolit" the first one of 9 so that the current 9.1 becomes 9.2.

Move the notion "Huomaa, että saat selville vastauksen myös tulostamalla kaikkien sellaisten kuntien nimet, joiden keskipiste jää alueen ulkopuolelle ja laskemalla tulostaulukon rivien lukumäärän." before the hints in the exercise 8.1.

Move the title of "Harjoitus 8.3" up so that the first part is included. Add a number for "Yhdistäminen". Note that the numbers will be refactored as a whole.