Gissio / radpro

Custom firmware for Geiger counters/radiation meters (FS2011, Bosean FS-600, FS-1000, FS-5000, FNIRSI GC-01)
MIT License
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FNIRSI GC-01: Schematics error #62

Closed Red-Owl closed 4 months ago

Red-Owl commented 4 months ago

quando hai reversato lo schema, a mio parere, il duplicatore di tensione e' sbagliato il duplicatore dovrebbe avere i consensatori in serie e i diodi che vanno da +/- il primo che ho trovato

p.s. stavo pensando ma se con il, gli facessi un geiger con il tuo software avremmo usb dati, sd, wifi webserver o bluetooth, (costa meno un geiger gia fatto del solo tubo)

Gissio commented 4 months ago

Automatic translation for the convenience of other readers:

"when you reversed the diagram, in my opinion, the voltage doubler is wrong. The doubler should have capacitors in series and diodes ranging from +/- the first one I found

The schematics was donated by a well-intentioned and very capable person. It simplified development of Rad Pro substantially. Other than that, I just published it in the repository (with permission) for reference.

p.s. I was thinking but what if with the, you gave it a geiger with your software we would have data usb, sd, wifi webserver or bluetooth, (an already made geiger costs less than just the tube)"

Sounds like a nice project!