Git-Commit-Show / 100-Days-of-Code

100 Days of Code Learning program to keep a habit of coding daily and learn things at your own pace with help from our remote community.
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Guided Learning Paths #233

Open srbhr opened 2 years ago

srbhr commented 2 years ago

@adityajoshi-08 As discussed, we need to create guided learning paths for "Software Development" so that people can get something of this 100 Days Free Coding Bootcamp on their own.

adityajoshi-08 commented 2 years ago

Should we add resources in this repo as separate folder?

srbhr commented 2 years ago

Yes @adityajoshi-08 they're mostly markdowns but each one having what to do, and from where. It'll take time, so let it be a WIP throughout!

adityajoshi-08 commented 2 years ago

Yes, but we shall start adding resources. Let us take this way. We should focus that the resources are complete on the first place and are then merged into the repo.

adityajoshi-08 commented 2 years ago

I shall start making a resource markdown for web development as I already have a list of some good ones.

srbhr commented 2 years ago

@adityajoshi-08 Still waiting for you PR

kibetamos commented 1 year ago

[@saurabhraidev] did you get ?

srbhr commented 1 year ago

@kibetamos no not yet