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Support comments marked as spam #1388

Open BasThomas opened 6 years ago

BasThomas commented 6 years ago

Doesn't seem to be anything we can use in the response, or even anything from GitHub's side that they support this now (as far as I know?), but saw it here. Wanted to create an issue to be able to track it somewhere.

GitHawk Upload by BasThomas

In case I did miss something, here is the response body:

```json { "data" : { "repository" : { "viewerCanAdminister" : false, "issueOrPullRequest" : { "milestone" : null, "labels" : { "nodes" : [ ], "__typename" : "LabelConnection" }, "locked" : false, "title" : "Add Rust syntax highlighting", "__typename" : "PullRequest", "changedFiles" : 2, "deletions" : 1, "viewerCanReact" : true, "closed" : true, "viewerCanUpdate" : false, "createdAt" : "2017-12-22T14:58:50Z", "body" : "The test file can be found here: desktop/highlighter-tests#15.", "timeline" : { "pageInfo" : { "hasPreviousPage" : false, "startCursor" : "MQ==", "__typename" : "PageInfo" }, "nodes" : [ { "messageHeadline" : "Add Rust syntax highlighting", "__typename" : "Commit", "author" : { "user" : { "login" : "subnomo", "avatarUrl" : "", "__typename" : "User" }, "__typename" : "GitActor" }, "id" : "MDY6Q29tbWl0NTg1NTk2OTQ6ZGVlMjkxYmQ3ZGM1YjNjNDFlMGU5ZTFjZDgzYjU3MWMwZGY5NmRhZQ==", "oid" : "dee291bd7dc5b3c41e0e9e1cd83b571c0df96dae" }, { "user" : { "login" : "niik", "__typename" : 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Sherlouk commented 6 years ago

How does one mark a comment as spam

BasThomas commented 6 years ago


Sent with GitHawk

rnystrom commented 6 years ago

TIL that’s a thing

Sent with GitHawk

BasThomas commented 6 years ago

Yep, I also just learned about it 😜 Labeling this github-bug to make us aware we can't tackle it yet.

Sherlouk commented 6 years ago

Looks like you can now report posts with a "Spam" (or other) reason

We should keep an eye out on this functionality as we may want to add support for reporting issues/prs 😄