GitHub-Traveler / Project-1---COMP4010

Project 1 for the course COMP4010 - Data Visualization
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Peer review for proposal - Team B #2

Open TraMiu opened 3 months ago

TraMiu commented 3 months ago

Suggestion 1: Our team thinks that your questions are fascinating as they can explore valuable insights behind energy consumption and production in various countries. We have some suggestions for question 1 and question 2. For question 1, we think you could group countries into developed or developing countries. You can also divide countries into continents to see which continents tend to have the highest statistics. For question 2, we suggest grouping energy sources into groups such as renewable and non-renewable to see how those groups change over time in Vietnam. We also suggest using an area chart for a more intuitive representation.

Suggestion 2: Stacked bar charts seem appropriate for both questions, given that you're comparing different categories within each observation (e.g., types of energy generation). However, for Question 2, where you want to compare renewable versus non-renewable energy generation, you might also consider using a line chart to show the trend over time more clearly. Ensure that the insights you aim to derive from the data are significant and not trivial. For instance, in Question 1, while analyzing the electricity generation of the top 5 countries is interesting, consider adding context or comparisons to make the insights more meaningful. Are there specific trends or patterns you expect to find?

Suggestion 3: I think you lack the motivation or reason why you chose this dataset in your proposal. it would be great if you could add that section. Moreover, having read the question, I have not exactly been clear about the output of your project. Specifically, terms like “scale” or “structure” are quite abstract and general. For the second question, you can consider the line chart or domain chart to emphasize the change of Vietnam's electricity generation over the years.

tienvu95 commented 3 months ago

I agree, scale and structure are vaguely defined. For qn1, showing top 10 is fine and qn2, you also mentioned about something they alr had in their proposal (on renewable and non-renewable energy)

AaronCerty commented 3 months ago

I have updated the reason that we chose the dataset and scale for q2. Previously, we lacked a mechanism to compare the energy trend in the past decade in Vietnam, and how it compares to other regions around the world.

In the updated proposal, you can see the output of the project:

  1. How has the energy trend (renewable vs non-renewable) in Vietnam changed in the past decade
  2. Is the above change correlate with change around the world?