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Sublime Text support #114

Open plutonium-239 opened 2 years ago

plutonium-239 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I like but I want to use it on ST4. Is there a plan to include this in the immediate future? Mainly because sublime is still a very popular editor. ( : The top few IDEs are all jetbrains and VS, followed by NetBeans and ST) Plugins like floobits existed, but is not maintained anymore and doesn't work. Also, the only other collaboration plugin on sublime is Remote Collab (and a couple others), which work like VS Code Live Share (i.e. you have to have one person being the host and sending a session link) This could be a valuable addition!

Ygnys commented 2 years ago

Hi @plutonium-239 thanks for this suggestion. We'll add it to the roadmap, the more likes this issue gets the more we will prioritise it!