GitLiveApp / firebase-kotlin-sdk

A Kotlin-first SDK for Firebase
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Api Validation, Explicit API Mode & Linting #550

Closed Daeda88 closed 2 days ago

Daeda88 commented 3 days ago

Fixes #535 #534 and adds lint. Also did some cleanup based on code inspection

By its very nature this is a large PR with many code changes. However, no functional changes where made in the code. I recommend reviewing the gradle & workflow scripts and just scanning the actual code

Also, because I know its controversial: I left lint to use the standard Intellij rules. This means that trailing commas have been added. I've not disabled any rules except for wildcard imports / import ordering since those tend to conflict with the IDE in my experience

nbransby commented 2 days ago

Next step will be to remove the internal classes from the API, I think its just the Native... classes found in these two modules:

Daeda88 commented 2 days ago

As in, you want me to do that in this pr? For reviewability I'd recommend doing it in a separate pr

nbransby commented 2 days ago
