GitPopcorn / tabnine-eclipse

A Eclipse content assistant plug-in with TabNine
MIT License
14 stars 7 forks source link

Added to TabNine 3rd Party Plugins List #1

Open boaz-codota opened 3 years ago

boaz-codota commented 3 years ago

This project was brought to our knowledge by Asko Kurki. image

Thank you for doing that!

GitPopcorn commented 3 years ago

Hey dude, I'm... I'm just so glad to see this issue that I can not find a word to express it. To be honest, I never thought about this little work will be known by you and your team. It seems to be kind of unmerited in my persperctive to link this repo in page of TabNine, cuz it is really too tiny when compared with your great work. Rough structrure, lack of maintenance, even some spelling mistakes... I always feel half ashamed when I look at my work, thought about what contribution I have made to the world, and compare to the real contributor like you. Thanks a lot again, to Codota, and TabNine team, for your efforts to make this world a little bit better, Thank you.