GitTools / GitLink

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output help if no arguments are given #58

Open dothebart opened 9 years ago

dothebart commented 9 years ago

$ gitlink

GitLink v2.1.0.0


Invalid number of arguments An unexpected error occurred | [GitLinkException] GitLink.GitLinkException: Invalid number of arguments bei Catel.Logging.LogExtensions.ErrorAndThrowException[TException](ILog log, String messageFormat, Object[] args) in c:\CI_WS\Ws\5778\Source\Catel\src\Catel.Core\Catel.Core.Shared\Logging\Extensions\LogExtensions.cs:Zeile 398. bei GitLink.ArgumentParser.ParseArguments(List`1 commandLineArguments, IProviderManager providerManager) bei GitLink.Program.Main(String[] args)

which is pretty useless. ;-)

GeertvanHorrik commented 9 years ago

Agree. But it means you have a wrong command line. Can you post that one here?

dothebart commented 9 years ago

it was simply empty, as shown above. no arguments.

GeertvanHorrik commented 9 years ago

You must specify a directory:

GitLink.exe c:\source\catel

See docs:

dothebart commented 9 years ago

Hm, It seesm it doesn't work for me that way. We (arangodb) generate the vsd files using cmake in a fresh directory (i.e. Build64) which then for shure is not inside of git. Is there a way to specify the source root, and the build root? It also doesn't seem to like the projects generated:

GitLink v2.1.0.0

Arguments: ./Build64/ -u -b devel

Failed to load project 'C:\b\workspace\Contineous_W32_build\Build64\ALL_BUILD.vcxproj': Das importierte Projekt "C:\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" wurde nicht gefunden. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass der Pfad in der -Deklaration korrekt und die Datei auf dem Datentraeger vorhanden ist. C:\b\workspace\Contineous_W32_build\Build64\ALL_BUILD.vcxproj

I'm building it all that way:

GeertvanHorrik commented 9 years ago

GitLink uses the VS project system to load the projects (in order to retrieve paths, etc). Apparently the imported props file cannot be found. Can you open this project / solution in VS?

dothebart commented 9 years ago

yes, it perfectly well opens in vs. Cmake / windows also uses msbuild to do the compiling. If you want to take a closer look: Our windows build procedure: